Sulaiman A.D.I, Usman A.Y and Abubakar A.U
Multiphase Surface well testing involves the use of multiphase flow meter to measure instantaneous flow rate of fluids. This could reduce flow periods and fasten the decision processes, create confidences in the information acquired and the reliability of the results. The aim of this study is to illustrate how a soft ware, MonAssess iSheet can properly and timely monitor and assess data acquired from multiphase flow well testing. The MonAssess iSheet or shortly MonAssess is a Microsoft Excel template developed by Usman et al., with the capability of Monitoring and Assessing well test data either in real time or later after data acquisition has been completed. Real field multiphase well test data was used to develop the MonAssess. This write up did not discuss details of development of the MonAssess, but rather discusses its functions, significance and usage as well as the well testing process. Real field multiphase well test data for three wells (Well X, Y and Z) from Niger Delta fields of Nigeria was tested using this software. The results showed that the use of the soft ware has reduced the spiky curves on the plots and increased the information available from the well test data. It also reduced the well test period and helped to sieve the off- range data.
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