Oral consumption of unripe pulp and seed of Carica papaya: I | 17864
International Research Journals

Oral consumption of unripe pulp and seed of Carica papaya: Implication on the cerebrum and cerebellum of rats


Ola Abdurrasheed Muhammed, Adedayo D. Adekomi, Adewale A. Ademosun, Daniel T. Adeniyi

Oral consumption of many natural products (such as plant, leaf, stem, bark) may or may not trigger deleterious responses in many organs of the body at cellular levels. Carica papaya has been reported in folklore medicine to be effective in treating blind ness. The aim of this study was to observe the implication of oral consumption of the pulp and see ds of unripe C. papaya on the cerebrum and cerebellum of rats using histological protocols. Ra ts were fed with 8.50 g of rat chow, 8.50 g of 1:1 mixture of C. papaya pulp and the rat chow, and 8.50 g of 1:1 mixture o f C. papaya seeds and rats’ chow, twice daily respectively. Twenty-four hours a fter the last treatment, the rats were sacrificed b y cervical dislocation; the head and cranium of the r ats were carefully removed, and processed for histological procedures using routine staining tech niques. The histological outcome revealed that oral consumption of unripe C. papaya pulp and seeds conferred neuronal degeneration in the cerebrum and cerebellum of the treated rats in when compared wit h sections of the same organs in the control rats.

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