Optimum solution of catalytic converter with filtration effi | 16037
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Optimum solution of catalytic converter with filtration efficiency of trap system by developing limited back pressure in diesel engine


K.S. Umesh, V.K. Pravin, K. Rajagopal and P.H.Veena

Now a days the global warming and air pollution are big the issues in the world. The 70% of air pollution is due to emissions from an internal combustion engine. The harmful gases like , NOX, CO, unburned HC and particulate matter increases the global warming. So catalytic converter plays a vital role in reducing harmful gases and hence analysis of catalytic converter is very important in the study of diesel engines. The rare earth metals now used as catalyst to reduce NOX are costly and rarely available. The scarcity and high demand of present catalyst materials necessitate the need for finding out the alternatives. Among all other particulate filter materials in the present study knitted steel wire mesh material is selected as filter material and the optimum analyzation to get maximum filtration efficiency with limited back pressure developed inside the exhaust manifold is investigated. Through CFX technique, various models of catalytic converters with different wire mesh grid size combinations were simulated using the appropriate boundary conditions and the specified and suitable fluid properties are assumed to the system. Further comparison of back pressure of different catalytic converter models is made in the present paper

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