Auwal I. H., Ningi H. Z., Suleiman A. D. I., Yusuf I. and Ogundele O. J.
The purpose of this study was to optimize drilling parameters in development plan of an unexplored Area of Gulf of Guinea in Nigeria. Well data and well manuals were used. A model and an Excel sheet were developed to correlate true vertical depth, cost and days/period, rate of penetration, rotary speed, depth, weight on bit, and bit diameter per day/meter drilled as it progresses. Findings show that we can drill deeper wells at less cost and time. We were able to predict the Rate of Penetration using real field data gathered in Unexplored Area of Gulf of Guinea to obtain operating parameters that leads to maximize rate of penetration. With these results, hopefully the next group of wells that would be drilled in future will be drilled almost three times faster than this case study wells and at half of their cost.
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