Nutritional characteristics of different parts of Rhynchosia | 101382
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Nutritional characteristics of different parts of Rhynchosia Minima as animal feeds


Balgees, Abu Elgasim Atta Elmnan*, Rania, Elzubir Hassan Idriss, Elsmani and Omer Amaseeb

The study was carried out to determine the nutritive status of leaves, vines, pods and whole plant of Rhynchosia minima as animals feed. Samples of each of parts were collected from 50 young plants growing naturally in Shambat Campus-Sudan, during wet season. Parameters measured were: chemical composition, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), some macro minerals, tannin contents and in-vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). Obtained data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) for a completely randomize design. The results showed that the leaves had the highest crude protein content (16.24 %), nitrogen free extract (51.47%) and IVDMD (64.90%). Whole plant recorded the highest content of ash (8.24) and all of the studied macro-minerals. While, vines had the highest values of crude fiber (27.97%) and cell constituent, pods had the highest value of ether extract (2.34) and tannins (3.90%). The study concluded that the different parts of Rhynchosia minima tree had a great amount of nutrients potential as livestock feed with superior ranking for leaves and whole plant.

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