N-linked Glycosylation and Its Potential within Different Ra | 72036
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International Research Journal of Biochemistry and Bioinformatics

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N-linked Glycosylation and Its Potential within Different Rat Strain´S Pharmacology Basic Research


Zuzana Brnoliakova*

Statement of the Problem: Glycosylation is one of the most common posttranslational modifications of proteins. Altered glycosylation is present in many pathophysiological conditions. Glycomic studies on rat serum have revealed variations in the N-glycans of glycoproteins correlated with disease progress, which is consistent with the findings in human serum. The main goal of our study was to describe the glycoprofiles of different rat strains fed 5 weeks standard diet and to evaluate their differences according to the N-glycan type. Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: For our observation we used Wistar rats (W), the general multipurpose model strain. Then spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were used, developed as animal models for human essential (idiopathic or primary) hypertensions. Finally, hereditary hypertriglyceridemic rats (hHTG) were also included, regarded as suitable animal model of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. The analysis of serum N-glycoprofilewas done by mass spectrometry analytics on MALDI-TOF/TOF instrumentation. Analyzed data were processed by FlexAnalysis (Bruker Daltonics) and GlycoWork Bench software. Findings: The cluster of 22 N-glycanswas appointed and sorted with special impact on their structural type. The changes in relative intensities of Nglycans were not significant, however, there were observed some trends in its remodelation within different rats strains. In W group there was detected higher percentage of high-manose N-glycan type. In SHR group was higher portion of complex-bi-antennary N-glycans with fucose and in hHTG group higher portion of complex-bi-antennary and complex-bi-antennary Nglycans with fucose.Conclusion & Significance: These data of blood sera glycoprofiling in different rat strains might assume as a possible tool for basic research to test therapeutic perspectives within various civilization and metabolic diseases. Further impact on clinical studies tendencies might be considered. Acknowledgements:This work supported by grants: EU project ITMS2014+313021Y920, APVV-18-0336, VEGA 2/0104/21 and Ministry of Health�s SR project No. 2019/7-CHUSAV-4.

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