Elhag A.B
This work can be considered as an effort to recognize the relationships between the drawdown and recovery data for the aquifer system, and instead of separated two graphs including Cooper – Jacob for the pumping test and Theis recovery straight line methods, Elhag (2014) innovational simplified solution agrees with more complicated solutions, and useful for determine aquifer parameter values in one graph that well be collecting the data of pumping and recovery tests and plotting two straight lines crossed in optimum point (sopt.). It’s matching together in contrast of drawdown and recovery data, which is used to start compute the slope of the straight line per one log cycle and the end of this cycle equal the distance between the two straight lines (Δs1). The crossing point of drawdown and recovery indicate to the design and efficiency of well. Generally the result values of the new method proposed is agreement with the results of the classically known technique and appear to be complimentary to current methods such as Theis type curve, Cooper – Jacob and Theis recovery. The statistics of aquifer parameter pair (T and S) values relatively low average percentage errors that range from 3.9 to 3.7% respectively.
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