Modern theatre: actor?¢????s musical requirements in | 17628
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Modern theatre: actor?¢????s musical requirements in the educational process of Kazakhstan


Kabyl Khalykov and Yеslam Nurtazin

The article is devoted to the problem of investigation of the popular genre of musical and its development, particularities of the specifics of the musical theatre in its merger with the contemporary music, comparison and application of the classical elements of choreographic art. At this stage of the development of this genre, there is a problem aroused of specific merging of economics and art, in other words, “popularization” of musical. Based on popularization of the new musical-dramatic genre, there appears a new fusion of art and production, management, advertising and mass media. Amongst these, the problem of performing mastership of musical actors in Kazakhstan is being studied. The aim of the article is to achieve a theoretical discourse of particularities, history of development and popularization of the new scenic genre of musicals. The task of the investigation are studying the activity of the founders of musical, collation and analysis of works, theories of theatrical art, anthologies, memoirs, articles and theater productions; assessment of musical and autonomous art forms (synthesis of acting art, choreography, singing, stage design, drama, music composition); analysis of characteristic of the activities of the musical founders (Leonard Bernstein, Andrew Webber, Riccardo, Richard Rogers, Irving Berlin, Cole Porter).The result of solving these tasks should be the formation of the cohesive picture of the history of the development of the musical, as well as its current position in the arena and in the Kazakh theatrical art. The study will be appreciated by directors and other theater specialists who wish to find information on the overall perspective of the musical and musical theatre, as well as by music and theatre critics seeking a balanced assessment of theatrical synthesis. Some fragments of this investigation could be included into University courses on history and theory of musical theatre.

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