Metabolic Syndrome in Teaching hospital Western Province of | 17423
International Research Journals

Metabolic Syndrome in Teaching hospital Western Province of Saudi Arabia


Maimoona Mushtaq Ahmed

In Saudi Arabia, one of the most emerging pandemic diseases is Metabolic Syndrome (MS), associated with obesity, cardiovascular Disease (CV D) and diabetes. A large proportion of the general population represents theworking environmen t, which serve as an important place for prevention, control and management of chronic disea ses. The objective of the present study is to examine the incidence of MS and its components amon g patients working in the university of King Abdulaziz, In the hospital which is a Teaching Hospit al of Western Province in Saudi Arabia, and the patients attending the hospital from the community and to evaluate the incidence on the basis of age and gender. Present study is based on the cross -sectional study of 117 patients attending a teaching hospital of Western Province of Saudi Arab ia.

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