G.O. Alufohai and O.P.B. Opia
The paper examined the performance of credit delivery management by Non- Governmental Organizations and Cooperative Societies of Edo and Delta States of Nigeria according to international best practices standards. Information used for the study was obtained from a sample of twenty NGOs and eighty cooperatives purposively selected from two senatorial districts in Edo and Delta States, using a well structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and the CAMEL (Capital, Asset quality, Management quality, Earnings and Liquidity) rating instrument which is a management analytical tool, were adopted to analyze the data. The results showed that the studied organizations applied such management functions as planning, goal setting, organizing, monitoring and control. The CAMEL results rated the five basic areas as they affect farm credit delivery and gave an average final composite rating of 4.48 translating to AA for the Cooperatives which signifies general excellence but the NGOs were rated 3.90 translating to BBB which may be considered very fair but with some serious managerial issues to look into.
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