Jonathan Lopes Moreira, Walkiria Luiza Silva de Souza, Raisa do Couto Vaz, Rafael Leite Alves, Flávia Souza Coelho, Wellington Fabiano Gomes, Pedro Henrique Scheidt, Márcia Maria Oliveira Lima
Little is known about the influence of different le vels of immersion on autonomic modulation at rest. The objective of this study was to compare the effe ct of water immersion on two depth levels on heart rate variability (HRV) at rest in healthy young men . HRV at rest was assessed in 20 men (22 ± 2.9 year s) immersed in water at the level of the anterior supe rior iliac spine (L ASIS ) and the xiphoid process (L XP ), with an interval of 24 hs between both. HRV was rec orded by heart rate monitor, and considered the data rMSSD, pNN50, LF, HF and LF / HF ratio for 10 min at rest sitting in soil (T0), immersed in water (T1), and at 5 and 15min after returning to the soi l (T2 and T3, respectively). No significant differe nces were observed between the moments of analysis in L ASIS . In L XP , there was an increase of rMSSD, pNN50 and HF from T0 to T1 and T2. Regarding BF, there wa s a significant increase only from T0 to T2. The analysis of LF / HF showed a reduction from T0 to T 1 and T1 to T3. In T1 greater rMSSD, pNN50 and AF and lower LF / HF ratio were observed in L XP , compared to L ASIS . The relative changes (%) from T0 to T1 of all HRV indices were significantly higher in L XP . The water immersion at the xiphoid process for 10 min promotes increase in vagal modulation of physic ally active young adults.
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