Influence of addition and stage of inclusion of toasted Afri | 18348
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African Journal of Food Science and Technology

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Influence of addition and stage of inclusion of toasted African yam bean seed flour on the nutrient composition and sensory properties of �?¢�?�?��?�?gari�?¢�?�?��?�?�


Okoye EC, Ani JC, Alagbaoso SO, Ugwuanyi RG, Ochin EP

This work investigated the effect of the stage of inclusion of toasted African yam bean seed flour (TAYBSF) on the nutrient and acceptability of gari. Peeled and grated cassava mash was blended with TAYBSF in ratios of 95:5, 90:10, 85:15 and 80:20 w/w, respectively before (BF samples) and after (AF samples) fermentation. Gari without TAYBSF served as the control. Fermentation was done for 2 days after which the samples were dewatered, sieved, toasted and evaluated for chemical composition and sensory properties. Addition of TAYBSF increased the protein, crude fat and ash contents of BF samples from 2.60 to 13.74, 0.52 to 0.79 and 0.47 to 1.91%, respectively. Also, the crude protein, crude fat and ash contents of AF samples increased from 2.60 to 12.07, 0.52 to 1.25 and 0.47 to 1.67%, respectively. The total amino acid (TAA) content of BF and AF samples were significantly (p<0.05) higher than that of the control sample with values ranging from 59.83 to 78.74 g/100 g crude protein and 58.04 to 66.34 g/100 g crude protein for BF and AF samples, respectively and the control sample (55.83 g/100g crude protein). The control sample had significantly (p<0.05) higher score in the general acceptability than the fortified samples and was the most preferred by the panelists.

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