Onotai, L.O, Ibekwe M.U, George I.O
Impacted foreign bodies in the larynx of children c onstitute a medical emergency and require immediate intervention. Most health workers are not equipped to deal with the challenge posed by this clinical condition. This study was carried out to e valuate our experience of impacted foreign bodies i n the larynx of children in Nigeria. It will highligh t the factors associated with increase in the occur rence, poor prognosis and proffer preventive measures. Thi s is a prospective study of 128 patients seen in th e Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) department t of Universi ty of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (U.P.T.H) and Rex Medical Centre both in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. This study was done over a five year period from January 2007 through December 2011. All children (a ge range 0-14 years) admitted with foreign bodies’ impactions in the larynx were selected for the stud y. Demographic and clinical data were documented and simple statistical tables were used to illustra te the data. Data analysis was done using SPSS for windows 15. A total of 128 patients were found to h ave impacted foreign bodies in their larynx. The otorhinolaryngological cases seen during the study period was 5,200 giving a prevalence rate of 2.5%. They were 90 males and 38 females (M: F ratio of 2. 4:1). Age range was 0-14 years with a mean of 3.88 ± 2.47years. The highest incidence was in the age gro up 3-5 years. The commonest foreign body encountered was fish bone 90 (70.31%). Impacted for eign bodies in the larynx of children were common in our environment. They were mostly found in the a ge group 3-5 years. The commonest foreign body was fish bone. It is of public health importance to enlighten our population and health workers on how to prevent and manage the condition.
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