Ukoima, HN, Akpan, EE, Pepple, GA
Tectonia grandis (Teak) is perhaps best known for its long established use in the boat building industry. It also used for decking, deckhouses, rails bulwarks, hatches, weather doors or planking, pipes and chemical vats. However, teak is susceptible to various kinds of pests and diseases especially in Akwa Ibom State. This study was therefore, conducted to identify and control fungal pathogens found on T. grandis seedling in Akwa Ibom State nurseries.The experiment was conducted in a screen house using soil samples from Ikot Abasi, Uyo, Itu and Ikono forestry nurseries. Soil analysis, pathogenicity test, isolation and identification of pathogens were carried out according to standard guidelines spelt out by Common wealth mycological Institute and Soil Science Society. The results showed that, pH values for Ikot Abasi and Ikono were 5.1 and 3.8 respectively. The mean value for organic matter for Ikot Abasi and Ikono were 1.4 and 1.9 respectively. Exchangeable K for Ikot Abasi was 0-18 c-mol/kg and 0.12 for Ikono. Ten fungal species were viz: Sclerotium rolfsii, Fusarium oxysporum, Pythium debaryanum, Armillaria mallea, Rhizoctonia solani, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus. The mortality of seedlings per nursery soil was 80%, 70% and 20% for Ikono, Itu and Uyo respectively. The mean fungal population for Ikono was 2.1, for Itu 1.9 and 1.2 for Uyo . Pathogenicity test confirmed that Armillaria mallea, Sclerotium rolfsii, Pythium debaryanum and Fusarium oxysporum were pathogenic to Tectona grandis seedlings. At 500 ppm concentration of methyl bromide, the mycelial dry weight of Fusarium oxysporum was 0.03g, sclerotium rolfsii weighed 0.02g while there was no growth at all with Pythium debaryanum. With palm bunch ash at 100ppm Fusarium oxysporum gave mycelia dry weight of 0.02 whereas there was no growth of sclerotium rolfsii. This result showed that methyl bromide and palm bunch ash are effective control measures against the identified pathogens.
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