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Hematological properties, liver function and lipid profile of albino rat fed with acha and moringa seed flour blends


Ayo JA , Ayo VA, Okpasu AA

ackground: Therapeutic use of leaves of M. oleifera has been evaluated in diabetes because of its possible capacity to decrease blood glucose and lipids concentration after ingestion, as result of the polyphenols content and others compounds. Nevertheless most results have been obtain from leaf extract of Moringa oleifera, however, this study use seed powder to evaluate its effects on the hematological properties, liver function and lipid profile of the flour fed albino rats. Objective: The work is aimed at fortifying acha based food with moringa seed paste to boost the immune system of the body. In the present study, the hematological properties, liver function and lipid profile of moringa-acha composite flour fed albino rats was investigated Methods: This exploratory study was conducted to investigate the effect of Moringa oleifera seed meal supplemented diets on the performance of albino rats. Six different graded levels of acha and Moringa oleifera flour blends were used as rat feed. Ration was formulated using acha and Moringa oleifera seed flour as ingredient for albino rats. Thirty-six rats were randomly allocated to six treatments (100% acha flour, 95% acha+5% moringa, 90% acha+10% moringa, 85% acha+15% moringa, 80% acha+20% moringa and 75% acha+25% moringa) in a Completely Randomized Design: The albino rats were distributed into 6 replicates comprising three (3) rats per replicate and managed under dip litter system for a period of 4 weeks. Water and feed were provided at ad libitum. Feed consumption, weight gain and feed conversion ratio were evaluated for the individual replicate of each dietary treatment. The hematological properties were determined weekly, while liver function and lipid profile were determined at the end of the experiment. Statistical analysis of the data carried out using SPSS version 23. Results: The added Moringa oleifera seed flour significantly, p=0.5, increase Parked Volume(PVC), White Blood Cells (WBC), Red Blood Cells (RBC) and Total Bilmbim significantly, with positive relationship(r=0.68-0.78). The total cholesterol (CHOL) and triglyceride (TAG) increased slightly while there was a decrease in The High Density Lipoprotein (HDP), Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL), with increase in added moringa seed flour. The aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and assay acid phosphatase (ACP) decrease slightly, while the lymphocyte increased with increase in the percentage of added moringa seed flour (0-25%). Conclusions: These results help to increase information over the most popular use of M. oleifera and its safety. However there are needed more studies over the hypoglycemic mechanisms and effects over intestinal microbiota.

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