Victor O. Umeh, Chukwudi C. Ezeh and Austin C. Okonkwo
Groundwater investigations of Lokpaukwu in Abia State, Southeastern Nigeria has been carried out. Ten (10) Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) was acquired within the study area, using the Schlumberger Array Configuration. Data acquired were processed and interpreted using INTERPEX resistivity software. Six geoelectric layers were obtained showing a sequence of shale/clay-sand. The H-curve type predominates with a water table depth of 40meters. Contour maps of Iso-resistivity, Isopach, Traverse resistance, Longitudinal Conductance and Aquifer depth were constructed. Variations of these data show a possibility of groundwater occurrence at Lokpaukwu at a depth of 100meters. The yield is expected to be low in areas with no incidence of fractures. The use of Electrical Resistivity method has proved useful in evaluating the groundwater potentials within and around Lokpaukwu.
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