Gamal E.B. El Ghazali, Abdul Rahman A. Al- Soqeer and Galal E.A. El Tayeb
Floristic composition, plant diversity and edaphic characteristics were examined in 9 sampling sites representing linear systematic series of locations along Wadi Al Rummah, Qassim Region, Saudi Arabia. 45 quadrats (5 quadrats per site) were analysed covering various geomorphological landforms in upstream, midstream and downstream locations. In these quadrats, 5 vegetation characteristics, 6 ecological parameters and 11 edaphic variables were investigated. A total of 59 plant species belonging to 43 genera and 21 families were recorded from the various sites examined. 57 % of these plants are Therophytes and Saharo-Arabian elements (66%) form the dominant component of the floristic composition of the Wadi. Upon the application of TWINSPAN and CCA bioplots, the floristic composition, floristic characteristics and edaphic variables can be aggregated into three distinct groups, and plant communities at the downstream sites showed distinct features.
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