First clinical experience using chlorin derivatives in Venez | 17994
International Research Journals

First clinical experience using chlorin derivatives in Venezuela


Cabrera H., Castro J., Grassi H. and Andrades E

The current study was aimed to establish the ration ale for the use of two chlorin e-6 based photosensitizers and its introduction to clinic prac tice in our country for treatment of superficial ba sal cell carcinoma using photodynamic therapy method. T he method was performed in 40 Venezuelan patients with 172 basal cell carcinomas and 2 concu rrent squamous cell carcinomas with diagnosis confirmed by histopathology. Twenty three patients with 117 lesions were treated with RADACHLORIN®, which included 115 basal cell carcino mas and 2 concurrent squamous basal cell carcinomas. Of these, 113 (98.3%) basal cell carcin omas had a complete regression as well as one of the squamous basal cell carcinoma, the other two ba sal cell carcinomas and one squamous basal cell carcinomas had a partial regression and a complete regression in a second treatment with the same drug. Seventeen patients with a total of 57 lesions were treated with PHOTOLON®, all of them showing a complete regression. The study suggests that RADA CHLORIN®-PDT and PHOTOLON®-PDT are effective treatment options for treatment of superf icial basal cell carcinoma.

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