Feasibility of using photovoice for assessment of peanut qua | 98563
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African Journal of Food Science and Technology

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Feasibility of using photovoice for assessment of peanut quality and safety along the value chain: Perspectives of youth in rural Uganda


Ruth Martha Mirembe*, Archileo N. Kaaya, Denis Male, Shirley Kansabe, Stephen Lwasa, Daisy Kemigisha, David Kalule Okello, David Musoke, Tom Gill, David Russel Ader, Annie Carter and Carrie Ann Stephens

Generally, contamination of peanuts is due to improper pre- and postharvest handling technologies practiced along the value chain. This leads to low-productivity which exacerbates food insecurity discouraging youth participation in agriculture. There is need to interest and retain youth in agriculture whilst producing safe and high-quality products. This study aimed to provide insight into the use of photovoice (participatory research approach) to assess peanut quality and safety along the value chain. Thirty youth engaged in a photovoice study responded to open- and closed-ended inquiries on the use of photovoice to assess peanut quality and safety. The data was analysed using NVIVO-12 and SPSS-version-21 packages. Results showed that 88.5% of participants appreciated photovoice (loved taking and discussing photos), whereas 11.5% considered photo explanations subjective. All participants reported acquisition of knowledge about peanut quality and safety through photovoice and referred to the technique as suitable for peanut quality and safety assessment in their communities. Furthermore, 92.4% of participants were willing to use photovoice as a continuous learning and knowledge-sharing platform in their communities. From the findings, photovoice was suitable for assessment of peanut quality and safety in resource-limited rural communities. The technique also actively encouraged youth participation along the value chain.

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