Evaluation of high-value indigenous trees for the rehabilita | 16222
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International Research Journal of Plant Science

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Evaluation of high-value indigenous trees for the rehabilitation of deforested areas in Mayombe Rain Forest, Southern Congo


Valentin Serge Pangou, Jean-Pierre Kampé, Catherine Lenoir3, Albertine Yulu Milandu

Evaluation on the growth of five indigenous timber species was performed nine years after planting. The selected species were of Aucoumea Klaineana, Baillonella toxisperma, Carapa procera, Pterocarpus soyauxii and Terminalia superba. Seedlings of these tree species were planted under open area planting technique on secondary forest area at Les Saras in the Mayombe Rainforest, Southern Congo. An experimental design of Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was adapted. The assessment involving measurements of diameter at breast height (DBH), height of the species and the survival rate were carried out. The result shows that the higher growth increments for the DBH were found at P. soyauxii (1.06 cm year-1) and the lowest at B. toxisperma (0.97 cm year-1). For the height increment, P. soyauxii was 1.38 m year-1 which was the highest and the lowest was the C. procera (0.77 m year-1). However, the survival rate was found higher at P. soyauxii (76.3%) and the lowest was at the C. procera (20.7%). These indicate that some indigenous species can be adapted to rehabilitate secondary forest area.

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