Effects of Urban Agriculture on the Socio-Economic Status of | 113395
International Research Journals

International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science

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Effects of Urban Agriculture on the Socio-Economic Status of Farmers in Cities of Sub-Sahara Africa. A Case of Zambia and Nigeria: A Review


Ninsheka Leonard*, Ssemakula Edward, Tiyo Christopher, Kalibwani Rebecca and Kityo Ronald

This paper reviews the current literature concerning the effect of urban agriculture on the socioeconomic status of urban farmers in Sub-Sahara African cities. The main objective of this review is to; examine the impacts of urban agriculture on the socio-economic status of urban farmers in Sub-Sahara African cities concentrating on Zambia and Nigeria. Specifically, the paper reviews the impact of urban agriculture on the income of Urban farmers in Zambia, and it also looks at the benefits and challenges affecting urban Agriculture development in Nigeria as part of sub-Saharan African countries. This paper reviews different articles and papers on urban farming in Sub-Sahara Africa and globally. The review posits that there is scanty information on how urban agriculture affects farmers’ socio-economic status in sub-Saharan Africa. How farmers derive their social and economic status by engaging in urban agriculture, the types and motivations of farmers are not clear. The review suggests that understanding the factors that are crucial for income and related benefits in urban agriculture is essential to developing the right technologies and policies.

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