Effects of nitrogen fetilizer applications in a bean �?¢�?� | 15907
International Research Journals

International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science

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Effects of nitrogen fetilizer applications in a bean �?¢�?�?��?�?? maize based intercropping systems and locations on seed quality of common bean in Western Kenya


Ogutu M.O., Muasya R. and Ouma G.

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is an important crop in western Kenya. It is usually intercropped with maize (Zea mays). Combined effects of N fertilizer at two levels i.e. without N fertilizer and 50 Kg N per ha and cropping systems comprising research practice and Farmers’ practice at two planting locations in western Kenya were studied and evaluated in an intercrop system of maize and beans in the year 2006. The objectives of the study were to determine the effects of cropping systems and N fertilizer levels at different locations on the seed quality parameters of beans. Two field experiments were conducted at two Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (K.A.R.I) centers at Kibos and Kisii. The cultivars used were KK8 and H 614 for beans and maize respectively. The experiments comprised two cropping systems and two N fertilizer levels in a Completely Randomized Block design Replicated four times. Data were collected on seed germination, seed vigor, seed width, shoot length, root length, seed thickness and seedling growth rate. Statistical analysis was carried out for analysis of variance (ANOVA) and mean separation test done using Least Significant Difference at 5% in addition to correlation analysis. The results showed that Research practice increased seed germination by 10.6% while bean seed quality parameters such as seedling growth rate, shoot length and seed sizes were not affected by cropping system. Farmers’ practice affected seed size, root length and 1000 seed weight. Addition of N fertilizer increased 1000 seed weight by 4.5 %, while at Kibos it reduced the shoot length by 42 percent. Planting location affected 1000 seed weight, seed germination and shoot length with these seed qualities being higher in value in Kisii than Kibos. The three way interaction of Cropping system × N fertilizer × Location increased seedling growth rate and seed vigor by 20% and 18% respectively. It is concluded that the three factors used in this study increased seedling dry matter and seed vigor and other seed quality parameters.

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