Effects of Calliandra portoricensis extracts on the lipid pr | 18006
International Research Journals

Effects of Calliandra portoricensis extracts on the lipid profile of wistar rats challenged with venom of carpet viper


Onyeama H. P., Ahmed M. S., Ofemile P. Y., Ibekwe H. A. and Nwankpa P

Effects of whole ethanolic and selective solvent ex tracts of Calliandraportoricensis on lipid profile were carried out to ascertain their potency in reducing or attenuating the haemotoxicity of carpet viper venom in wistar rats. Thirty(30) rats of mixed sexe s were randomly assigned into 5 treatment groups of 6 rats each. Group 1 (control) received nothing. Gr oup 2 received viperian venom only. Groups 3, 4 and 5 received same amount of venom in addition to calc ulated doses of flavonoid-rich, polyphenol-rich and whole ethanolic extracts respectively. The veno m and C. portoricensis extracts were administered intramuscularly. The rats were sacrificed 4 hours l ater, serum collected and lipid profile assayed. Th e result obtained from group 2 showed significant inc rease (p<0.05) in the serum total cholesterol while groups 3, 4 and 5 showed decreases that were not st atistically significant (p>0.05) relative to group1 . Triacylglycerols decreased significantly (p<0.01) i n groups 3 and 4. While the High Density Lipoprotei n decreased significantly in venom-treated group 2, a correspondingly significant increases (p<0.01) occurred also in groups 3, 4 and 5. The effects of the extracts on the very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) were unclear but there was marked reduction in the Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL). The LDL:HDL ratio increased in the venom-treated group 2, while decreases occurred in groups 3, 4 and 5, strongly suggesting a complexation of the venom and extracts of C. portoricensis due to increase in High Density Lipoprotein.

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