Effect of pasteurization and selected chemical preservatives | 16378
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Effect of pasteurization and selected chemical preservatives on Fura de nunu during storage


Adepoju Adekunbi Adetola*; Abiose Sumbo Henrietta. and Adeniran Hezekiah Adekanmi

The study focused on effects of pasteurization, with or without sodium benzoate or sorbic acid on fura de nunu samples during storage. The products were assessed for proximate composition, total reducing sugar, individual sugars and titratable acidity. The results of the proximate composition were, 11.00 - 14.31 % (crude protein); 2.27 - 2.74 % (crude fat); 0.36 - 0.74 % (crude fibre); 1.31 - 1.46 % (total ash) and 84. 20 - 81.49 % (carbohydrate). Titratable acidity increased from 0.10 to 0.43 % and 0.51 % at refrigeration and ambient storage respectively. Total reducing sugar was within the range of 12.04 and 17.36 mg glucose/ml in samples stored at ambient temperature and 12.04 and 17.03 glucose mg/ml in samples stored at refrigeration temperature. The Rf value showed that lactose was present in all fura de nunu samples. Rate of biochemical changes were higher in fura de nunu samples stored at ambient temperature than refrigeration temperature. Pasteurization and chemical preservatives increased the stability of fura de nunu samples during storage. Least changes were observed in pasteurized fura de nunu treated with 300 mg/l sodium benzoate. The synergistic effect of pasteurization and chemical preservative improved the keeping quality of fura de nunu samples.

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