Effect of motivational strategies training on TeacherÃ?¢Ã?â | 18273
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Effect of motivational strategies training on Teacher�¢����s motivational teaching practice: A study on secondary schools in Nekemte town, Ethiopia


Bedada MZ

The main purpose of this study was to examine the effects of motivational strategies training on English language teacher's motivational teaching practice. To this effect, it first investigated teachers' and students' perceived importance of motivational strategies to use it as an input for the intervention. It utilized the process model of L2 motivation which takes into account various lines of research on motivation in the L2 field and in educational psychology. To achieve the purpose of the study, a quasi-experimental design specifically the pre-test post-test control group design was employed. 65 teachers and 177 students, from 9 secondary schools, participated by using convenience sampling and stratified purposeful sampling, respectively. In addition, two teachers from different secondary schools were selected by means of convenience sampling and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Training was provided for the experimental group teacher focusing on pre-selected motivational strategies. To collect data, two sets of questionnaires and classroom observation were utilized. The generated data were analyzed by a descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation. The findings demonstrated that there is a shared as well as a mismatch of perception between teacher and student participants on the importance of motivational strategies. This implies that teachers in the research setting need to develop a balanced view on the importance of motivational strategies. The findings also indicated that motivational strategies training induced a positive change on experimental group teacher's motivational teaching practice. This finding, therefore, reflects the reality that English language teachers' motivational teaching practice could be modified through focused intervention.

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