R Parthiban, N Nagarajan, V Mahendra Kumaran, *D Senthil Kumar
Steady state and Dynamic simulations play a vital role in most of the Refineries and Petrochemical industries to evaluate and optimize key process variables. Apart from operation, simulation helps in design engineering in many ways. Simulation allows studying the transient behaviour of complex processes without the need of real plant operating information or even without a pilot plant. In this study, dynamic simulation is applied to atmospheric distillation unit (ADU) in a refinery. Crude oil refining process is one of the complex processes characterised by multiple interactions and high level of non-linearity. This paper describes the best pr act ic e for crude f ra ct ionat ion column dynamic mode l l ing, starting from the given crude assay using Aspen HYSYS Dynamics. It includes crude assay characterization, steady state model development, transitioning from steady state model to dynamic model, designing a control strategy for plant disturbances and running the dynamic model.
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