Roberto DÃÂÂÂez Pisonero, Juan Cordoba Ordonez and Candida Gago Garcia
The Spanish airport reality is characterized by two important phenomenons: the outstanding number of airports in the air national network and the tremendous disparity between all of them are more than 200 million passengers who use them, are distributed unevenly. If the demographic variable is added to these and, consequently, the relationship that exists in every airport between the number of passengers who use it and the demographic volume that it supplies, we observe that the network and air Spanish hierarchy is deeply distorted to the network and urban hierarchy. The following article tries to analyze, through Spearman's correlation analysis, the differential meaning of the Spanish centres in the transport network across the demographic potential of the airports. Following the specialising literature, the interest of this paper lies in clarifying the factors that are affecting to intensify these contrasts in Spain derived from the liberalization process of air transport as well as suggesting corrective measures to mitigate this situation.
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