Teerachaisakul M., Ekataksin W., Durongwatana S., Taneepanichskul S.
The current study was aimed to determine the prevalence of cellulitis and its association with dietary habit and C-reactive protein (CRP) level in patients with lymphedema. Using a crossectional study, 103 patients with lymphedema, aged 18 years old and older visiting Thailand Lymphedema Day Care Center (TLDCC) during November 2010 to June 2011, were recruited. Demographic, medical information and dietary intake were assessed using tested Lymphedema Record I (LER-I) and tested seven-day Food Frequency Interviewed Chart (FFIC). Single examination of serum highsensitivity CRP was investigated. The prevalence of cellulitis in patients with lymphedema at TLDCC was 47.6%. Levels of hsCRP (p =0.003) and dietary habit were statistically significant associated with episodes of cellulitis. Mean and standard deviation of hsCRP of lymphedema patients with and without cellulitis were 3.1±2.8 mg/dl and 1.4±2.5 mg/dl respectively. Having deep fried food more than once a day (p =0.044), consumption frequency of animal more than vegetable products in patients with lymphedema aged lower than 55 years old (p =0.048), and being female (p =0.025) were statistically significant risk factors for cellulitis. The dietary habit of patients with lymphedema therefore should be highlighted.
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