Determinants of Girl Students�?¢�?�?��?�?� Academic Achieve | 17814
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Determinants of Girl Students�?¢�?�?��?�?� Academic Achievement in Mixed Day and Boarding Secondary Schools in Kericho District: An Analytical Study


Viviline Cherotich Ngeno, 2Enose M.W. Simatwa*, 3Dorothy Chelangat Soi

Girl child education at secondary school level is highly valued by parents in Kericho District in the present time than before. This is because most parents have realized that educating a girl child is as good as educating a boy child as it leads to eradication of poverty, ignorance and diseases. Girls in boarding secondary schools usually perform better in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Examinations than girls in day secondary schools in Kericho District. The study established that boarder girls performed slightly better than day scholar girls in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Examination in the year 2010. The determinants of day scholar girls’ performance in day/boarding schools in Kericho District included; school levies, student indiscipline, lack of basic needs, required textbooks, domestic chores and distance from school. There was however no statistical significant relationship between these determinants and day scholar girls’ academic achievement in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Examination. Multiple regression analysis revealed that none of the determinants were significant predictors of day scholar girls’ academic achievement. The determinants of boarder girls’ academic achievement included; school levies, student’s indiscipline, lack of basic needs, required textbooks and reading culture. All determinants except lack of basic needs were not statistically significant. Multiple regression analysis revealed that none of the determinants was a significant predictor of boarder girls’ academic achievement in day /boarding secondary schools in Kericho District. This means that there are other factors probably teacher factors, student factors and other socio- economic factors that were influencing significantly girls’ academic achievement in day/boarding secondary schools in Kericho District.

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