Otitoju, O, Ezeonu, C.S. and Onwurah, I.N.E.
Climate change is a multifactor event that requires proper evaluation, monitoring and management. In this study, biomass content of Zea mays and Arachis hypogea were measured to evaluate their contribution to climate change. Different concentration (80g, 160g, 400g, 800g and 1200g) of crude oil were impacted in sterile soil and viable seeds of Zea mays and Arachis hypogea were planted in the soil samples. The result showed that A. hypogeal germinated better than Z. mays. Germination potential of the seedlings of A. hypogeal decreased by 10%, 30% and 70% for 80g 160g and 400g impacted soil, while Z. mays deceased by 10% and 40% for 80g and 160g impacted soil respectively. Biomass result decreased significantly (p<0.05) for A. hypgea (30 and 39.9%) and Z. mays (10% and 100%) at 80g and 160g. Total biomass for 80g impacted soil showed that A. hypogea had the highest (4.58 and 1.37) for wet and dry respectively while Z. mays had 3.60 and 0.89 biomass content. Root length, shoot length and total number of leaves decreased significantly (p<0.05) when compared with the un-impacted soil (control). Our observation showed that decreased plant biomass could lead to low productivity as well as increased atmospheric carbon dioxide therefore a measurable indicator in predicting the impact of climate change on soil productivity.
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