Dating of first emergence of human epidemics | 17972
International Research Journals

Dating of first emergence of human epidemics


Sergey N Rumyantsev

This article presents initial results of the attemp t to date the conditions, terms and places of the f irst emergence of some actual human infections. The inve stigation was based on the integration of relevant achievements of evolutionary immunology, e pidemiology and anthropology. Nutritional infections associated with food of animal origin (a nthrax, botulism, brucellosis, salmonelloses) as well as the launch of hereditary immunity against t hem first emerged on the territory of the African Savannah 5.3 mya among ape ancestors of Australopithecus (4.5 – 1.8 mya), and were then inherited by Homo sapiens (1.8 – 0.2 mya). Rabies infection appeared among t he earliest humans over the same period of time. Infections whose existence dep ends on regular transmission could have been got by early humans over their wanderings out of Af rica (60K-70K ya) in ecologically varied parts of the World especially on the Eurasian territories. I t was here that human tuberculosis and influenza infection (between 50K ya and 15K ya), smallpox (be tween 15K ya and 8K ya), measles (not earlier than 15K ya), and HIV infection (between 12K ya and 14K ya) emerged. After their origin, both groups of infectious epidemics and the phenomenon of hered itary immunity against them continued to exist among humankind up to now

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