Correlation between some components of interior plants and | 16590
International Research Journals

International Research Journal of Plant Science

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Correlation between some components of interior plants and their efficiency to reduce Formaldehyde, Nitrogen and Sulfur Oxides from indoor air


Yehia Abd El-fatah 2 , Eman Moghazy 1 , Eijiro Fujii 2 , Eid Koriesh, Mohamed El-sadek

Air pollution has become an extremely serious problem on human health especially in developing countries. Sixteen ornamental plant species commonly used for interior plantscapes were screened for their ability to remove three common indoor pollutants of formaldehyde, nitrogen oxides(NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx). Also, some components of the selected plants such as, ascorbic acid, chlorophyll, pH, relative water content, leaf osmotic pressure as well as stomatal number, length and width on the lower and upper leaf surfaces were assessed to determine the relationship between these components and plant removal efficiency. Among the tested plants, Chlorophytum comosum Variegatum displayed superior removal efficiency for HCHO and SOx as 1830 μg day-1 and 2120 μg day-1 and Spathiphyllum wallisii for NOx as 3200 μg day-1. Also, it was found that stomatal density can be used as an indicator for the efficiency of indoor plants in the absorption of air pollutants; especially for HCHO, SOx or NOx

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