Petrilson Alan Pinheiro
The objective of this paper is to analyze the process of construction of collaborative writing practices of a group of students of a Brazilian secondary public school, by means of the use of two Internet tools: instant messaging and e-mail. As for the type of research, it is a typical qualitative investigation, which is characterized, more specifically, as a research action, whose intention is not only restricted to understand or describe the world of practice, but, above of all, to try to change it. We base our theoretical discussion upon the digital revolution occurred with the Web 2.0 advent, in which we show how changes inherent to the passage from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 reflected in the creation processes on internet, and upon the theoretical-analytical devices, proposed by Lowry et al. (2004), which are based upon: collaborative writing activities, collaborative writing strategies, collaborative writing roles and collaborative writing modes.
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