Characterization of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) parts for a | 16092
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Characterization of Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) parts for antioxidant potential


Zahid Sarfraz, Faqir M. Anjum, Muhammad I. Khan, Muhammad S. Arshad , Muhammad Nadeem

Antioxidants potential of non-volatile extract of Pakistani Basil as well as the stability and shelf life of the meat sausages containing Basil parts were investigated in the present research project. The maximum extraction of non-volatiles (4.08±0.04%) was obtained from the methanol extract of Basil leaves while minimum extraction (0.43±0.21%) was obtained from the hexane extract of Basil seeds. The maximum total phenolic contents were found in methanol extract of Basil seeds which were 5.67±0.77 mg/100g while minimum value (3.37±0.03 mg/100g) was observed for hexane extract of Basil leaves. In case of DPPH, the maximum free radical scavenging activity (84.59%) was shown by methanol extract and the minimum activity (57.35%) was shown by hexane extract of Basil seeds. In case of β-carotene, the maximum antioxidant activity (94.86%) was observed for methanol extract of Basil seed and the minimum activity (67.26%) was shown by hexane extract of Basil flowers.

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