Characteristics of self-potential anomalies in Abakaliki Low | 16710
International Research Journals

International Research Journal of Geology and Mining

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Characteristics of self-potential anomalies in Abakaliki Lower Benue trough of Nigeria


Chukwu GU

Abakaliki area occupies prominent place in the geological and geophysical history of Nigeria. This is because of the tectonic, evolutionary and structural developments associated with the zone. Abakaliki high has been noted for subsurface mineralization processes occasioned by naturally rich and wellendowed minerals in place. The Cretaceous sediments around Abakaliki (the oldest sediments in southeastern Nigeria) are folded and occur along the Benue Trough and Abakaliki Trough given rise to alternate anticlines and synclines. Self potential (SP) survey was carried out to investigate the characteristics of SP anomalies in these poorly bedded sandy shales of Abakaliki. Results show that mainly high negative SP values of magnitude between -600 mV and -800 mV were observed suggestive of lead-zinc mineralization. The overall potential anomaly characteristics in the area are not even, they vary from place to place both in magnitudes and in signs - positive and negative.

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