Challenges of nanotechnology in agriculture, postharvest and | 91539
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African Journal of Food Science and Technology

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Challenges of nanotechnology in agriculture, postharvest & monitoring quality and shelf life of food products


Dawei Liu*

Guaranteeing nourishment security in creating nations is exceedingly challenging due to moo efficiency of the farming division, debasement of normal assets, tall post cultivating misfortunes, less or no esteem expansion, and tall populace development. Analysts are endeavoring to embrace more current advances to improve supply to contract the nourishment request hole. Nanotechnology is one of the promising advances that seem make strides agrarian efficiency by means of nano fertilizers, utilize of productive herbicides and pesticides, soil include control, wastewater administration, and pathogen discovery. It is similarly advantageous for mechanical nourishment handling with improved nourishment generation with amazing advertise esteem, lifted wholesome and detecting property, progressed security, and way better antimicrobial assurance. Nanotechnology can too diminish post-farming misfortunes by expanding the rack life with the help of nanoparticles. Nanosensors are chemical or mechanical sensors utilized in nourishment and water quality location to distinguish the nearness of chemical species. Biosensor empowered bundling frameworks can identify nourishment quality and amplify rack life. Nanosensors give speedier and more precise location of organisms, poisons, and adulterants. Nanoparticles may too be utilized to identify biodegradable nourishment components such as vitamins and cancer prevention agents. The audit centers on the developing application of nanotechnology based sensors for rack life investigation of nourishment items, counting freshness observing, nourishment security estimation, and discovery of ruined nourishment components.

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