Breeding birds in Saidpur cantonment area, Bangladesh | 17119
International Research Journals

International Research Journal of Biochemistry and Bioinformatics

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Breeding birds in Saidpur cantonment area, Bangladesh


Ashraful Kabir

Breeding status of birds in Bangladesh is more remarkable than that in other countries. Most of the resident birds breed here in the month of May, June and July. Because during these months all the insects lay eggs and finally these eggs are hatched into larva. So, in order to collect these larvae the birds lay eggs in their nests. Some birds like pigeon, dove, sparrow, babbler etc can lay eggs throughout the year. Maximum type of birds nest is twig or cup nest due to huge number of branch of the trees. There are some birds which build their nests with excellent or brilliant skill and some lay eggs in the tree holes. According to this research work minimum number of eggs�?¢�?�?��?�?� laying is two and maximum is eight. Incubation period of the eggs depends on the egg size or the total components within the egg. Lowest hatching period is ten days with shrike and white eye and highest with cormorant and with adjutant, it is twenty nine days.

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