Attitude of medical practitioners to herbal remedy for HIV i | 17908
International Research Journals

Attitude of medical practitioners to herbal remedy for HIV infection in Nigeria


A.A. Onifade, A.P. Jewell, A.B. Okesina, B O Oyeyemi, K.O. Ajeigbe, B.H. Oladeinde, O. Tomori and T. Akinmurele

It was estimated by World Health Organisation that about 80% of Africans used herbal remedies for illness and HIV infection has no cure led many HIV patients to source for alternative or complementary therapy. A structured questionnaire was administere d to 528 medical practitioners in Nigeria health institutions that attended national conferences on HIV/AIDS 2008 to 2009 to assess their attitudes to the use of herbal remedy by HIV patients. 108 medical d octors, 304 nurses, 92 medical laboratory staff and 24 other hospital staff were the respondents. 276 o f the respondents were aware that their HIV patient s were taking herbal remedies while 65% wanted govern ment to modify the role of herbs in treatment of HIV infection and public awareness could play a maj or role (67%) in improving their attitude. This stu dy concluded that many HIV patients take herbal remedy although denied when asked by medical practitioners and their role in HIV infection treat ment has to be defined.

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