Victorini Salema
This study was to assess the attitude of teachers and students on implementation of Learner Centred Pedagogy (LCP) in Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania. The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training in Tanzania revised the curriculum in 2009 and adopted LCP. Learner centred pedagogy emphasizes the active role of learners in the process of learning to enhance creativity and critical thinking in acquiring knowledge, skills, and competencies. This study focused to explore the attitude of teachers and students towards the application of LCP in public and private secondary schools in Kilimanjaro region. The researcher adopted mixed research methods for data collection and analysis. This study sampled 580 students, 115 teachers. Data collection instruments were questionnaires, in-depth interview guides and observation guide. The findings indicated that the general attitude means scores for teachers was 3.38 and for students were 3.72 to indicate that both students and teachers had positive attitude towards the implementation of LCP. Teachers in public schools have low attitude mean scores compared to their counterparts private secondary school teachers.There was a significant difference between the attitude mean scores of teachers and students on the implementation of learners centered pedagogy in secondary schools in Kilimanjaro region. Moreover, the findings indicated that there was no significant differences between attitudes mean scores of teachers based on their years of experience. There was statistically significant difference between the attitude mean scores of students in private and public secondary schools on the implementation of learner centred pedagogy.This study recommends that all stakeholders of education to make provisions for proper implementation of LCP. These may range from provision of adequate resources, in-service training of teachers and motivation of teachers and students on the application of LCP.
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