Nicolas P. Nolla, Marie M. Kana Sop, William A. Djeukeu, E. Tetanye and Inocent Gouado
In Cameroon, malnutrition is associated with the em ergence of some chronic diseases. However, there is no information on diet and nutritional status of population in some localities. The purpose of this study was to assess the nutritional status and food consumption of population in Maképè Missokè (Douala). During this study, 89 men and 163 women a ged between 18 and 70 years were recruited. Anthropometric measures comprising height or size, weight, waist and arm circumferences were measured respectively using a stadiometer, an ordin ary scale and a measuring tape. The body mass index was calculated and the values were used to ev aluate nutritional status. Dietary habits and frequency of usual consumption of foods were determ ined after estimated foods records using local material. The responses were all reported on questi onnaire. The determination of serum albumin was performed by spectrophotometry using bromocresol gr een.
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