Assessment of Leadership and Service delivery at the Madiben | 110971
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Assessment of Leadership and Service delivery at the Madibeng Local Municipality in the Northwest Province of South Africa


Anna Mothobi*

Leadership is a very important element for effective service delivery. However, Madibeng Local Municipality is exposed to excessive corrupted related activities. Information gathered on the ground revealed that, projects are not completed due to political fighting on the group. There is no plans in-place to offer good services. Money is squandered. Top management including the mayor are involved in corrupt related activities. They are only concerned about their positions, power and money. Projects are not completely e.g. water treatment and reticulation plant that started in 2015 has not been completed. There is no monitoring of approved plans, any evaluation of employee’s performance. Plans are not revisited to ensure implementation. Madibeng leaders are not accountable, responsible and eager to improve service delivery. They are power hungry, concerned about their personal gain and positions. No projects or approved plans to improve the situation. Corruption, greed and bribery are at the centre of Madibeng. Madibeng municipality was put under administration twice recently but there’s no change/ improvement in service delivery. The mayor is failing the Madibeng community because of lack of effective leadership. Using a quantitative research approach, the study provides findings of the study that was done in the Madibeng Local Municipality.

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