Anti-ulcer effect of ocimum gratissimum on indomethacin indu | 17547
International Research Journals

Anti-ulcer effect of ocimum gratissimum on indomethacin induced ulcer and percentage of superoxide dismutase on wistar rats


Gege-Adebayo G.I, Igbokwe V.U., Shafe M.O., Akintayo C.O, Mbaka D.I

This study was aimed to elucidate the effect of met hanolic extract of Ocimum Gratissimum on indomethacin induced ulcer and its antioxidant prop erties. Thirty (30) albino rats weighing between 140-180g were used for this study. They were divide d in to five groups with six in each group and group 1and 2 (n = 6) were pretreated with 100mg/kg and 300 mg/kg methanolic extract of Ocimum Gratissimum f or two weeks, then indomethacin on the 14 th day. Group 3 was treated with 40 mg/kg indomethacin alone, group 4 served as reference gro up (cimetidine treated,100mg/kg) ,the group 5 was the control and was given 1ml of saline. On the day 14, the leaves extract was administered thirty minutes before ulcer was induced. Ulcer was induced using indomethacin (40mg/kg). The animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation after four hours. The percentage of superoxide was measured by Martins method of hemotoxylin. The stomach was h omogenized, centrifuged and decanted. The result shows that ocimum gratissimum reduces ulcer score and ulcer index, also increase s the percentage of superoxide dismutase in the treated a nimals. It is therefore concluded that methanolic extract of ocimum gratissimum has gasto-protective properties and antiulcer prop erties.

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