Analysis the effect of Reed-Solomon (RS) coding over WiMAX c | 16066
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Analysis the effect of Reed-Solomon (RS) coding over WiMAX communication system with transmission of digital colour image


Md. Ashraful Islam, Halida Homyara, Mustari Zaman and Md. Mizanur Rahman

In this paper an analytical approach is introduced to evaluate the effect of Reed-Solomon (RS) coding over WiMAX wireless communication system with transmission of 16-QAM encoded digital colour image signal over AWGN and fading channel models. Different system configurations including timedomain differential modulation, frequency domain differential modulations, delay spread of channels are considered in the exact BER analysis. Both analysis and simulation results are presented for 16QAM modulation scheme and both AWGN and fading channels. We investigate the performance of RS coding over AWGN and frequency selective fast fading channels. By using RS codes, we can get the effect of improving the total BER due to benefits of RS codes correcting burst that are caused due to a noisy channel. The resulting scheme is tested for the transmission of images over noisy channels.

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