Agriculture as a mitigating factor to unemployment in Nigeri | 15898
International Research Journals

International Research Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Science

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Agriculture as a mitigating factor to unemployment in Nigeria


Manggoel W, Ajiji I, Damar WK, 1Damiyal DM, Da’ar JW, Zarmai DU

This paper seeks to establish that unemployment could be drastically reduced through a functional agricultural system. The agricultural sector may not have achieved much due to numerous problems plaguing agriculture in the country, but with the new policy of the Federal Government through the Federal ministry of Agriculture hopes are high. The new agricultural policy will herald in a policy direction via new policy strategies that will lay the foundation for sustained improvement in agricultural productivity and output, resulting in the objective of reduced unemployment, if not full employment becoming a reality in Nigeria. We therefore advise that the Nigerian Government and all relevant stakeholders continue in their quest towards reducing unemployment while they give their undivided support, in making sure that agriculture continues to enjoy increased budgetary allocation and access to credit facilities to finance its activities and accomplish its goal of unemployment reduction.

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