Addressing the Global Environmental Crisis: A Comprehensive | 98052
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Addressing the Global Environmental Crisis: A Comprehensive Review of Current Strategies and Challenges


Meerab K*

The global environmental crisis has become one of the most pressing issues of our time, with the world facing numerous environmental challenges such as climate change, pollution, deforestation, and loss of biodiversity. This review article provides a comprehensive analysis of the current strategies and challenges in addressing the global environmental crisis. It examines the major environmental issues faced by the world and evaluates the effectiveness of various strategies that have been implemented to tackle these challenges. The article begins by providing an overview of the global environmental crisis, highlighting the key environmental challenges faced by the world today. It then examines the current strategies being employed to address these challenges, including international agreements, policy interventions, technological innovations, and community-based initiatives. The article also explores the challenges associated with implementing these strategies, such as political barriers, technological limitations, and funding constraints. Through a critical review of existing literature, the article identifies the key gaps and limitations in current environmental strategies, highlighting the need for more integrated and comprehensive approaches that address the root causes of environmental degradation. The article concludes by offering recommendations for future research and policy, emphasizing the importance of collective action and the need for innovative and sustainable solutions to address the global environmental crisis. Overall, this review article provides a comprehensive and critical analysis of the current strategies and challenges in addressing the global environmental crisis, highlighting the need for more effective and sustainable solutions to safeguard the environment for future generations.

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