Margaret Wangui Murugami and Norma M. Nel
This research explored the role of guidance and counselling in preparing learners for work from primary to university levels of education. It explored current status of learners with visual impairment regarding their ability to understand abilities and potentials, realistically accepting limitations and making independent career decisions. The study adopted Career Development and Self-efficacy Theories as bases of exploration. Proponents of these theories assume that career development process facilitates development of vocational self-concept and decisionmaking self-efficacy. The premise was that a correct self-image as a worker contributes to the person environment match, facilitating self-actualization to impact on future employment outcomes. Major findings indicated linear relationship between vocational self-concept and decision-making self-efficacy, implying increased development as learners progressed in education. However, learners portrayed limited awareness on impact of severity of disability. This affirmed need for developmental career guidance and counselling process for learners with disabilities, culminating to suggested model by Murugami (2010).
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