Idang Ojong, Margaret Akpan, Mary Ojong Alasia and Faith Nlumanze
The main purpose of the study was to assess and compare reproductive health awareness among urban and rural secondary school students in Cross River State, Nigeria. A comparative descriptive survey design was used for the study. The sample size consisted of one thousand, one hundred and ninetynine (1199) Senior Secondary School Students drawn from 87 out of 229 Public Schools using multistage proportionate sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was a self developed validated 20 items questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of .80. Data collected were coded for entry and analysis was done using population t-test and independent t-test. The findings revealed a statistical difference of t-test calculation of 2.81 of awareness of family planning practices between urban and rural school students. Also results on prevention of STI and HIV/AIDS, prevention of unwanted pregnancy and harmful traditional practices revealed a non statistical calculated t value of 1.13, 1.88, 0.600 which was less than critical value of 1.98. In the light of this study, students from rural schools had limited knowledge on reproductive health issues. This calls for intensive reproductive health awareness by parents and teachers in rural schools. Also, government should include reproductive health education in formal secondary school curriculum.
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