A comparative assessment of attitudes, knowledge and self-pe | 17907
International Research Journals

A comparative assessment of attitudes, knowledge and self-perceived barrier to the practice of evidence based medicine in Japan and Indonesia


Risahmawati, Sei Emura, Tomoko Nishi, Dini Widiarni Widodo, Irawati Ismail, Takashi Sugioka, Shunzo Koizumi

Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is the process of sys tematically reviewing, appraising and using clinical research findings to aid the delivery of o ptimum clinical care to the patients. EBM plays a crucial role for physicians as a tool to integrate best research evidence into clinical practices, but there has been little information about its applica tion in daily practices among resident physicians in Japan and Indonesia. The purpose of this study w as to assess and compare the attitude towards and knowledge of EBM among resident physicians in t wo teaching hospitals and their self-perceived barrier to its implementation. A cro ss-sectional study, self-administered anonymous questionnaire was distributed to 60 resident staff at Saga University Hospital, Japan and 183 staffs at Cipto Mangunkusumo teaching hospital, Indonesia. Significant findings from this study are each respondent have individual tendencies when selectin g suitable sources of information during clinical problem solving; there was an overall posi tive attitude towards EBM; Knowledge and skills are fairly sufficient though they reported the two factors as barrier to implement EBM. Other barriers in implementing EBM are lack of time and r esources in native language. Several factors influencing each group’s responses were noted and d iffering attitudes towards EBM application identified.

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